
Getting Rid of Fruit Flies | Charleston, SC

Fruit flies are a scourge that invade kitchens across America nearly every summer. Fruit flies reproduce by laying up to 500 eggs at a time on ripe fruit or vegetables. It takes just eight days for them to mature into adults, and they can live for up to 25 days, making them very difficult to remove once they’re in your kitchen. There are ways, however, to control a fruit fly population and prevent your home from becoming theirs.

How do Fruit Flies Get Into my Home?

Fruit Flies Charleston, SC

As with many insect infestations, prevention is the best cure. Fruit flies, unlike their larger cousins, are nearlyimpossible to keep out of the home with simple barriers like screens. They are evolutionarily designed to seek out the “odor plumes” of ripening fruits and vegetables and will squeeze through the minuscule cracks to enter your home in search of food and breeding grounds.


If you do find your home invaded, traps may provide relief from the clouds of flies that tend to congregate. The best fruit fly traps are the simplest. Pour a tablespoon or so of vinegar into a narrow-necked container, and add a few drops of dish liquid. The flies will be attracted to the vinegar. The soap breaks the surface tension of the liquid, causing the flies to drown.

Fly-Proof Your Home

In spite of their name, fruit flies don’t actually eat fruit. They eat the fungus that grows on ripening fruit. Avoid providing them a food source and breeding ground by keeping counters, drains, and trash and recycle containers meticulously clean. Never allow fruits or vegetables to get overripe or rot on the counters. Keep fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator if possible. By ensuring there are no breeding grounds or food sources, you can prevent fruit flies from invading your home. If fruit flies do become established, it may take a professional’s intervention to rid your home of these irritating pests.

Insect Proofing Your Home | Charleston, SC

Pest control is mostly prevention. Getting insects out of your house once they’re well established often requires calling in professional exterminators. Keeping bugs out requires vigilance, but is far more pleasant than living with winged, crawling, stinging, biting pests. In addition to a good pest control program from Exclusive Pest Control, there are steps you can take to prevent insects from making your home theirs.

Inside the Home

Although your electric bill might not thank you, one of the best ways to prevent insect intrusion is to keep your lights on. Many bugs thrive in dark spaces, so regularly flooding your rooms with light- even rooms that aren’t used often like the basement can help deter insect invaders. Smells and dampness are prime attractants for many insects as well. Keep food and trash covered and sealed at all times, and be sure to mend any tears in screens. Stop up any holes or gaps that insects can use to slip into your home, including the space around entry doors. Weatherization strips can be quite effective in sealing off potential insect highways.

Around the Home

Cut back brush and keep grass and other foliage well-trimmed close to the home. Bugs love damp, dark, cool places to hide and breed. Offer them as few places as possible to gather. Keep gutters cleared and don’t let leaf litter or brush to pile up around your home. By reducing the number of places bugs can gather and breed, you can keep the population under control.

Outside the Home

Check your property for sources of still, standing water, including old tires, puddles, discarded containers, and old swimming pools. Any standing, stagnant water should be drained as soon as possible. Mosquitos lay their eggs in standing water. Don’t give them a chance. Remove all standing water as soon as possible.

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