
When is it Time to Call a Professional Exterminator?

When is it Time to Call a Professional Exterminator?

Dealing with ridding your home of a pesky spider or cockroach in your home is normal. Handling a small infestation on occasion is simple with retail remedies such as sprays and traps. However, what if you begin to notice an increase in roach sightings or notice small rashes or itchiness during the night as you sleep? When is it time to consider the aid of a professional exterminator? Here are three signs that it may be time to consider getting the help of a professional to protect your home from pests.

The Elderly, Children or Pets are Present in Your Home

Many do-it-yourself remedies and retail treatments for pests such as roaches can pose a danger to family pets, children and the elderly. Small children that crawl on carpeting and floors and pets that are constantly curious about smells are more prone to being exposed to dangerous chemicals. Elderly members of your family with lower immune systems may experience respiratory issues when certain pest control remedies are used in the home or not applied properly. In this case, the use of a professional roach exterminator is highly recommended.

You Notice Pests Other Than Roaches, Ants or Spiders

If you begin to notice small tears in shelved food products or droppings on the floor, this may be a sign of a rodent infestation. The general rule thumb where there is one, there are many, as these creatures can propagate in your home. This often leads to an uncontrollable infestation and exposure to disease and germs they commonly carry.

You Suspect Bed Bugs 

Bed bugs are typically brought into a home undetected via a person’s clothing, luggage exposed to infested areas, or used items such as a sofa or comforter. Bed bugs commonly hide in tiny spaces such as the ribbing on a mattress or a headboard and crawl on floors, walls, and even ceilings. While these bugs are not known to carry disease, they are known to bite the skin of a human typically at night when a person is sleeping. The most common symptom of a bed bug bite is excessive itching and red marks on the skin reminiscent of flea bites. When this occurs, a professional bed bug exterminator is needed.

Why Choose Us? 

The professionals at Exclusive Pest Control are highly trained to assess your home and create a pest control maintenance plan that can be scheduled to suit your needs. Contact us today for an appointment!

Why Choose Exclusive Pest Control?

EPC is committed to quality pest control. We will provide you and your family with superior care and protection from unwanted pests utilizing state of the art treatment techniques while upholding the highest level of safety standards.

our guarantee

  • Highly trained and trustworthy technicians
  • Customized Service Plans
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  • No Contracts

integrated pest management

The Integrated Pest Management system reduces the negative impacts that may occur on the environment through the use of problem prevention, regular monitoring, correct diagnosis, threshold development, and management methods.


John was very accommodating and went out of his way to satisfy our needs. We intend to keep his service and would highly recommend him to anyone. An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure.

Leo W., Goose Creek, SC

For the job I had for EPC I am very satisfied. He has made a huge difference - Unfortunately this house had a roach infestation before, but now we are taking the step to end this nightmare. When I contacted EPC for pest control John was very fast in response, so yes I would refer him to others, prices are good and the service is good as well. John was on time, we are very happy.

Rhonda M., Goose Creek, SC

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  • Bed Bugs
    • Bed Bugs
    • Fire Ants
    • Cockroaches
    • Fleas
    • Mosquitoes
    • Rodents
    • Wasps
    • Residential Pest Control
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