About Bed Bugs
Bed bugs, diminutive, flat, and brown in appearance, infiltrate households via luggage, clothing, bedding, secondhand furniture, and everyday household items. These wingless insects possess a remarkable capacity to scuttle swiftly across floors, walls, and even ceilings. Bed bugs sustain themselves by feasting on human blood, resulting in the development of itchy, red welts on the skin. Frequently mistaken for flea bites, which typically manifest around the ankles, bed bug bites can appear on any part of the body.
Recognize bed bugs by their small, round bodies with brown or reddish hues. In their adult form, they approximate the size of an apple seed. It’s important to note that bed bugs are non-flying and non-jumping insects.
How We Detect & Exterminate Bed Bugs
At Exclusive Pest Control, our bed bug heat treatment stands as the pinnacle of efficiency, eliminating all bed bugs and their eggs in just a single day, while minimizing chemical usage. Our technicians undergo rigorous training led by industry authorities at Convectex, specializing in the utilization of professional-grade heating equipment for bed bug extermination. This discreet treatment employs specialized electric heating devices, eradicating bed bugs at every stage of their life cycle within a mere 24-hour timeframe.
How Bed Bug Heat Treatments Work
Detection: Identifying the presence of bed bugs in a home or facility can be achieved through several methods. One primary approach involves a meticulous visual examination of the premises. Our team thoroughly inspects areas prone to infestation, looking for telltale signs such as the presence of rust-colored stains on sheets and mattresses left by bed bugs.
Our second detection method involves the use of our specially trained bed bug detection K-9. These highly skilled dogs can enter a home or facility and discern the distinct odor emitted by bed bugs, even in minute traces.
Treatment: Upon confirming the presence of bed bugs, our team promptly initiates the treatment process. We can apply heat treatment to a single room or an entire structure, depending on the extent of the infestation. This method effectively permeates mattresses, box springs, furniture, carpets, walls, and ceilings, ensuring the complete eradication of bed bugs. Rest assured, our heat treatment process is entirely safe and will not cause harm to the building structure, furniture, or personal belongings.
Why Exclusive Bed Bug Heat Treatments?
- Within hours, not days or weeks the heat kills all bed bugs and the eggs
- Heat reaches areas that chemicals cannot
- The use of a residual pesticide in conjunction with heat is optional
- Only one heat treatment is needed 95% of the time
- Keep your mattress and furniture if desired after the treatment
You may also visit us at Bed Bug Heat Pros here.