About Cockroaches in Charleston, South Carolina
It is every homeowner’s worst nightmare- an invasion of roaches. It’s important to know that there’s often no such thing as “one” cockroach within a home or building. They travel in colonies and where there’s one, there’s often an infestation. Exclusive Pest Control offers thorough inspections of your property for the telltale signs of a roach problem and effective solutions for exterminating and ensuring they never return.
There are several kinds of cockroaches that home and business owners are affected by most commonly:
- The German Cockroach is the most common type of cockroach within the United States of America. They are much smaller than American Cockroaches. Typically, they are less than half-an-inch long, but they breed quickly and in very large numbers.
- Palmetto Bugs, also known as American Cockroaches, are also a highly common type of roach that usually seek the dry comfort of Charleston homes after a heavy rain shower, along with the steady supply of food and warmth. Palmetto bugs are larger than German roaches, measuring between 1.5 and 2 inches in length. They also have wings that assist in getting them from one place to another. Palmetto bugs are a brownish, red color and have long flat bodies.
- The Waterbug or Oriental Cockroach is defined for its preferred habitat. Unlike some cockroaches who prefer a dry environment, waterbugs love water. A fun fact about the water bug is that they have wings but can’t fly!
- Smoky Brown Cockroaches are similar to waterbugs. They cannot live long periods of time without water. If they become even slightly dehydrated, they can die.
Extermination and Quarterly Treatments for Roaches
The best way to fight a roach infestation is to prevent the bugs from moving in. Clear vegetation away from the foundation of your home, leaving a solid gap of open space between the home and the vegetation. Be aware that most of the beetles that prefer living in the vegetation outdoors do not move indoors. There are many species of cockroaches.
The ones most typically found indoors tend to prefer that living situation over the trees and vegetation. The German cockroach is one of the more common species of roach to reach a level of infestation that requires a professional. Our team at Exclusive Pest Control will help identify factors that made your property a favorable location for roaches. We’ll also help you find the right regular treatment plan that will exterminate your current problem and eliminate the risk of a future infestation.