
How to Prevent Mosquitos

Mosquito bites are more than just an itchy, uncomfortable nuisance. The insects spread disease and cause a variety of nasty illnesses. Preventing mosquito bites means taking a two-pronged approach: defending your personal space from the buzzing invaders and preventing them from congregating around your home.

Personal Space

Avoiding mosquito bites can be simple enough if you take a few common sense precautions whenever you intend to be outdoors during the spring and summer- peak mosquito season. Wear a bug repellant containing Deet for best results. When used according to the instructions, it’s safe enough for use even on children. Apply bug repellent to clothing and use your hands to apply it to the face and neck areas. Wear long sleeves to protect your skin from mosquitos, especially when walking or hiking through wooded areas. Avoid shady patches, especially during the early mornings and evenings when mosquitos are most active.

Clear Breeding Spaces

Mosquitos require standing water in which to lay and hatch their eggs. Early in the spring, walk through your yard and property and examine the area for any standing water that might offer mosquitos a haven. Turn over any containers that could collect rainwater and remove old tires and other debris that can provide breeding grounds. Empty or treat pools and consider having a professional service spray the area to reduce the population.

Trim the Lawn

Mosquitos love shady, damp spaces and are attracted to hedges and other low-growing brush. Be sure to keep bushes well-trimmed and away from the house. Consider having a professional evaluation of your property. Professional exterminators can point out potential breeding and gathering points that attract mosquitos and recommend treatments that are safe for children and pets but that will discourage the insects from swarming on your property. Enjoy your outdoors this summer, and evict any insect pests before they have an opportunity to settle in.

Palmetto Bugs Versus Cockroaches

What is a Palmetto bug? The easy answer is, it’s a cockroach. The main concern most people have when asking the palmetto bug versus roach question is whether the bugs that occupy the trees and bushes around their homes will move in and become an infestation.

Palmetto Bug SC

In South Carolina and other southern parts of the United States, palmetto plants are common. Since cockroaches tend to congregate in those plants, they have become commonly known as palmetto bugs. The beetles are actually several different species. While roaches may use palmetto plants for refuge, they’re usually not a problem for homeowners unless the plants are near the home and the roaches are attracted indoors.

What Makes Roaches Move In?

Roaches are attracted to several things in a home. Light is a major source of attraction for most beetles and having a large palmetto bug flying at the light when you enter your home can be disconcerting to say the least. The insect is not attacking, however. It’s simply trying to get to the light. They’re also attracted to sources of water, food, warmth, and shelter. Especially in the cooler spring and fall months, roaches may move from their vegetative habitats and attempt to invade your home.

How do I Get Rid of Them?

The best way to fight a roach infestation is to prevent the bugs from moving in. Clear vegetation away from the foundation of your home, leaving a solid gap of open space between the home and the vegetation. Be aware that most of the beetles that prefer living in the vegetation outdoors do not move indoors. There are many species of cockroaches. The ones most typically found indoors tend to prefer that living situation over the trees and vegetation. If you suspect you have a roach infestation, call Exclusive Pest for a full evaluation and a plan for clearing pests from your home.

When to Call In a Professional for Your Pest Problems

Every homeowner faces a pest problem at some point in their lifetimes. An occasional mouse or a few ants might not pose a big challenge, but an infestation of rodents, roaches, or bedbugs may prove more problematic.  If you’re seeing mice out in the open, or suspect you’re dealing with something like roaches or bed bugs, it may be time to call in a pro.

Mice and Rats

In general, rodents tend to hide themselves away from human eyes. They rarely venture beyond 25 feet or so of their nests during their lifetime, so if you’re seeing mice or rats out in the open, it may mean that you have far more rodents than you’re actually seeing. You may also find droppings, chew damage, and tooth marks, both in food containers and in walls and other areas where rodents have made their way indoors.


If you find mud tunnels in or around your property, especially around the foundations of your home, it could be a sign that termites have moved in. Carefully examine any foundations, especially where there are wood beams, for holes and other damage. Termites must be dealt with immediately by a professional exterminator, to prevent serious damage to the structure of your home.

Bed Bugs and Fleas

If you or your family find yourselves suffering from itchy bites and even a rash-like series of bites, you may need to call in a professional to deal with your insect problem. Bed bugs are notoriously difficult to remove and nearly always require professional intervention to remove. Similarly, a large flea infestation can be extremely difficult to eradicate. Regular flea baths for pets and spraying may control the flea population but in certain conditions, the population can burgeon out of control, posing a real health hazard to human and animal inhabitants of your home alike.

If you suspect you have a pest problem, contact Exclusive Pest for a consultation.

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