
Preparing Your Home for the 2019 Swarm

As the weather begins to warm and the days turn longer, thoughts of backyard barbecues and afternoons in the sun begin to come to mind. Unfortunately, the pests outside your home are stirring, too, and will soon be upon you in full force. This is especially true of mosquitoes, which begin moving as soon as the temperature starts to rise. Don’t wait for the problem to become a nightmare before you seek out help – start preparing your home today for the 2019 swarm!

Sealing Openings

One of the first things you can do to help keep bugs firmly out of your home is to seal its openings. This can be done a few different ways. If your home has any obvious entry points such as broken windows or holes in the foundation, for example, then you need to physically seal the barriers to help keep critters of all kinds from entering your home. Keep in mind that bugs can squeeze their way into your home from incredibly small crevices and holes, so a thorough check of your property is vital. You can seal these smaller openings using caulk, putty, or screening depending upon the kind of issue in question.

There are also insecticide barrier treatments that can be applied to your home that can help stop insects before they enter. This kind of solution is typically applied around the perimeter of your home and is designed to repel or kill bugs that attempt to move towards your home.

Install a Misting System

Mosquitoes can be annoyingly persistent outside, but that doesn’t mean that there’s nothing to be done about them. On the contrary, installing a misting system is a great way to control their population and keep the swarms away from your backyard. A MistAway system can help kill mosquitoes while leaving butterflies and bees unharmed. This is one of the most effective methods to keep your outdoor space free from bests and allow you to enjoy the spring and summer months worry-free. Many systems will operate automatically so that you don’t have to remember to turn it on and off every day at the appropriate times, too.

Choosing Pesticides

Pesticides can be vital in maintaining a healthy outdoor space, but it’s important to choose the right one for your needs. If you’re looking for a good option, there are few factors to take into consideration. Where is the pesticide going to be used? If you’re using one near a playground, for example, then you’ll need to be especially careful to pick one that is as safe as possible. Keep your pets in mind, too, as some options can make them very sick. Pick one that has a low toxicity and is formulated for the specific pest you’re trying to control. Finally, make sure that you read all directions carefully and use the pesticide exactly as directed to help limit potential harm.

Looking for help in choosing pesticides for your home? Contact the experts!

Not a Creature Was Stirring – Pest Control

Mice, rats, wasps, and roaches. Oh my!

These are a few of the many pests that haunt our dreams, invade our homes, and leave us feeling unsettled. The thought of bugs and rodents scurrying across our floorboards and mattresses is a terrifying thought.

Fortunately, there are a variety of measures you can take to keep these pests far, far away, but the best method is quarterly or monthly inspections by experienced exterminators.

If you’re worried about pests, then read on. We have the information you need to protect your home, family, and overall well-being.

Keeping Mice and Rats Out

Often times, when we hear a mouse or rat scurrying through our house, we want to pretend that it’s not really a problem. It’s just one rodent, right?


Rodents are colony animals, which means that wherever you find one, you are likely to find many.

So how do you keep the mice and rats out?

First, you have to block any block possible entryway into your house. Look around your floorboards, counters, windows, and doorways to see if there are any holes or cracks.

Once you’ve discovered these holes, there are a variety of materials you can use to keep those pesky rodents outside. For example, you can stuff the holes and cracks with caulk, wire mesh, or steel wool. Even crumpled paper towels or toilet paper is better than nothing.

But if the rodents have already invaded your home, you’ll have to take another route: extermination. You can exterminate the rodents on your own, but without experience this can be dangerous. It is best to call an expert exterminator and hire them to complete the job for you.

How to Get Rid of Wasps

Wasps are a little easier to get rid of, but they’re a lot more dangerous. After all, they can fly and have pointy stingers. And if you’ve ever been stung by a wasp, you know how much it hurts.

Fortunately, wasps make themselves known a lot more easily than rodents. After all, they build massive nests that are easy to spot.

Wasp Pest

Removing those nests, however, poses a whole other problem.

To do it yourself, you’ll need a whole lot of protective gear. In fact, you’ll need to make sure that your entire body is covered. If even the slightest bit of flesh is exposed, the wasps are bound to find it.

And then, there’s only pain…

So if you’re going to do this alone, make sure you have gloves, pants, socks, boots, a face mask with mesh that you can see through, a hat or hood, and a long sleeve shirt. Tuck your pants into your socks and your shirt into your gloves. And make sure that no flesh is exposed!

Then you’ll need to find your poison and douse the area around the nest. Make sure that in addition to a mesh-mask covering your whole face, you also have a surgical mask to place over your mouth and nose. You do not want to breathe in the poison, or you could become very sick or even die.

Lastly, once the poison has killed the nest, you’ll need to remove it from your home. This is where the protective clothing comes in. If even one wasp survives the poisoning, you can still be stung.

Of course, this all probably sounds very daunting and scary. So you might just want to go the easier route and call the experts.

Prevent Roaches from Entering Your House

Rodents and wasps are terrifying enough. But what about roaches?

For most of us, the very image of a cockroach fills us with the heebie-jeebies. And by the time they make themselves seen, they’re already crawling inside your walls, beneath your floors, and inside your furniture.

Exterminating roaches is difficult, so it’s often better to be proactive. Quarterly or monthly inspections by experienced exterminators can provide everything you need to keep those roaches out.

Personally, when it comes to any sort of pest, I trust the experts.

Keeping pests out of your house is essential to preventing an infestation. From rodents to wasps to roaches, there are many methods of prevention, but the best is having an exterminator stop by on a monthly or quarterly basis to do all the work for you.

The Importance of Quarterly Pest Maintenance

What bugs are in my home?

As hard as we may try to prevent it, sometimes pests still manage to sneak their way into our homes. Some of the most common household pests include but are not limited to: mosquitoes, fleas, fire ants, bed bugs, wasps, carpenter bees, rodents, and German cockroaches.

Not only are these pests a nuisance, they present potential health and structural hazards. Mosquitoes carry diseases such as the Zika and West Nile Viruses. Rats and other rodents enjoy gnawing through wood, and when that wood is part of the foundation of your house, it presents a real problem!

Quarterly Pest Maintenance

Exclusive Pest Control offers monthly and quarterly pest control maintenance plans to ensure you and your family remain pest-free. There are a few things you can expect from these routine visits.Quarterly Pest Maintenance

First, the exterminator will ask you about any problems you’ve been having with pests. Be sure to be specific about the types of insects or rodents you’ve been dealing with so that they can begin to formulate a pest control plan that best suits you and your family’s needs. They will then enter your home and spray around the interior perimeters of each room while also keeping an eye out for pests, paying special attention to any major problem areas. The exterminator will then inspect the exterior of your home, applying insecticide to the foundation and around doors and windows. This is done to prevent more pests from entering.

Preventative Pest Control

Preventative pest control is just as important as quarterly pest maintenance, and there are a few things you can do on your own at home to keep pests at bay. Regularly inspecting your home for cracks or holes, both on the interior and exterior is recommended. Check hard-to-reach areas and areas with low visibility, as pests can easily hide in these locations. It’s also recommended to observe around pipes, utilities, and wiring. Don’t hesitate to call us if you discover large areas that need sealing, as sealing large areas is typically more difficult to do on your own. Cover any vents with mesh, and make sure that all of your windows are installed with screens. Replace any screens containing holes ASAP! Don’t neglect leaky faucets or water appliances, as water will attract pests!

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