Removing fire ants from your yard can be a difficult and labor-intensive task. A fire ant bite is painful and may be dangerous to those who are sensitive. It may require several treatments spread out over time. For larger infestations, it may be necessary to get the assistance of professional exterminators to ensure full removal of the colony.
Fire Ant Bites
A fire ant is a diminutive insect, hardly worth noticing, but it carries a powerful punch in its venom. Unlike most ants, which bite and then spray the wound with venom, fire ants both bite and sting, injecting a rather nasty acidic venom that produces a burning sensation. The burning pain of the bite is what gave fire ants their name. Bites often come in clusters and result in painful, red, raised blisters. Victims should be watched for signs of an allergic reaction. If there is no sign of breathing trouble, excessive swelling, confusion, or shock, it’s safe to treat the bites with home remedies like ice packs to reduce the pain and swelling, antihistamines, and antibiotic cream to prevent infection.
Fire Ant Killer
One of the most common approaches for destroying a small colony is to soak the mound and the entire area thoroughly with very hot water. This option leaves behind no toxic residue, making it safe for yards with pets, but it may not be 100% effective. It may be necessary to dig up the mound to ensure that the entire colony is destroyed. Alternatively, there are several liquid, powder, and granular options. There are several baits available on the market that are nontoxic.
How to Get Rid of a Larger Infestation
If you see more than 2-3 mounds, or if the mounds are large, it may be necessary to call upon professional help to safely remove fire ants from your property. Excavation and the application of stronger pesticides may be necessary to eradicate the fire ant problem from your yard. Pets and small children should be kept well away for safety’s sake, as well as anyone with sensitivity or known allergies.