
Effective Mosquito Control Using Pesticides in Misting Systems

Mosquito control using pesticides is one of the most effective ways of protecting your family from flying pests. Effective pest control means using various methods that are both safe and friendly to the environment. Exclusive Pest uses systems like Mist Away to effectively maintain a safe environment for your family.

Mosquito Control

Effective mosquito control means tackling the problem from multiple angles. It’s important to maintain any vegetation on and around your property to reduce the number of places mosquitoes have to hide and breed. We will advise that you remove any standing water sources that can also provide breeding grounds for these biting pests. The use of safe, natural pesticides in a misting system has been approved by the FDA because the mist dissipates without posing a threat to humans or animals. Professional installation and maintenance help ensure that the chemicals do not reach vulnerable water sources, making a misting system safe and effective.

Pest Control

Pest control is about more than extermination. By reducing mosquito-friendly features on your property and employing other effective techniques, we can reduce the population of mosquitoes and other pests and help create a more pleasant, safer environment for your family. The last thing you want while enjoying your outdoor spaces is to be attacked by bloodthirsty, disease-carrying parasites. Not only do mosquitoes carry diseases that are dangerous to humans, but they’re also known to spread heartworm and other diseases to our family pets. Effective, safe, professional pest control can save you and your family a lot of heartache.

Using Pesticides

Many homeowners are rightfully concerned about using pesticides, especially around children and animals. The pesticides used in misting systems like Mist Away are regulated so that only enough chemical is used to effectively control mosquitoes. In addition, only safe, well-regulated chemicals are used in our systems. Pyrethrin is commonly found in pet shampoos and other insect-control applications. It is derived from a variety of chrysanthemum. The extract is highly refined and added to a synergist that increases its effectiveness. By releasing it at dusk and dawn, when mosquitoes are most commonly active, it is most effective. The chemical degrades and dissipates in sunlight, making it safe for use around pets and children. Permethrin is the synthetic version of pyrethrin. It’s commonly used where there is a higher population of mosquitoes since it doesn’t dissipate as easily or quickly. It’s often used in areas where it’s less desirable to have the mister running at dusk and dawn, like in entertainment and restaurant venues.

No matter which safe, effective chemicals are chosen, it’s best to consult professionals when it comes to mosquito control.

How to Prevent Mosquitos

Mosquito bites are more than just an itchy, uncomfortable nuisance. The insects spread disease and cause a variety of nasty illnesses. Preventing mosquito bites means taking a two-pronged approach: defending your personal space from the buzzing invaders and preventing them from congregating around your home.

Personal Space

Avoiding mosquito bites can be simple enough if you take a few common sense precautions whenever you intend to be outdoors during the spring and summer- peak mosquito season. Wear a bug repellant containing Deet for best results. When used according to the instructions, it’s safe enough for use even on children. Apply bug repellent to clothing and use your hands to apply it to the face and neck areas. Wear long sleeves to protect your skin from mosquitos, especially when walking or hiking through wooded areas. Avoid shady patches, especially during the early mornings and evenings when mosquitos are most active.

Clear Breeding Spaces

Mosquitos require standing water in which to lay and hatch their eggs. Early in the spring, walk through your yard and property and examine the area for any standing water that might offer mosquitos a haven. Turn over any containers that could collect rainwater and remove old tires and other debris that can provide breeding grounds. Empty or treat pools and consider having a professional service spray the area to reduce the population.

Trim the Lawn

Mosquitos love shady, damp spaces and are attracted to hedges and other low-growing brush. Be sure to keep bushes well-trimmed and away from the house. Consider having a professional evaluation of your property. Professional exterminators can point out potential breeding and gathering points that attract mosquitos and recommend treatments that are safe for children and pets but that will discourage the insects from swarming on your property. Enjoy your outdoors this summer, and evict any insect pests before they have an opportunity to settle in.

MistAway Misting System | Charleston, SC

Keeping mosquitos at bay requires careful attention to landscaping on your property. Removing standing water and cutting back shady areas of brush and tall grass is a good start toward ridding your land of biting pests. There are additional options to explore, such as the MistAway misting system.

How Does MistAway Work?

Systems like MistAway dispense a mist of pesticides at strategic locations surrounding your property at set intervals. The pesticides reduce the number of mosquitos in the area and evaporate quickly. They effectively control mosquito populations and prevent the annoying insects from ruining your picnics and other outdoor activities.

Is it Safe?

The EPA has passed MistAway and other systems as safe because the pesticides used dissipate quickly, posing no threat to humans or animals. Some pesticides are hazardous to fish, however, so the misting system needs to be placed carefully to avoid contaminating water sources. Professional installation and maintenance of a system is the best way to ensure safe usage.

What Pesticides are Used?

MistAway systems can be used with two different types of chemicals. Pyrethrin is commonly found as an ingredient in pet shampoos to kill fleas and ticks. The chemical is derived from a variety of chrysanthemum. It is highly refined and contains a synergist that increases the effectiveness. The mist flushes mosquitos from their hiding places in foliage and attacks their nervous systems. In the sunlight, pyrethrin quickly degrades, leaving no residue behind. Pyrethrin is commonly released at dusk and dawn, when mosquitoes are most active and beneficial insects like butterflies and bees are not active.

Permethrin is a synthetic version of pyrethrin. It has many of the same characteristics, but does not dissipate as quickly. It is most commonly used in systems located in areas with high populations of mosquitos, or when it is less desirable to have the mister running in the dusk and dawn hours, like near outdoor restaurants and other entertainment venues.

Is MistAway Effective?

Misting systems like MistAway are undoubtedly effective means of controlling mosquito populations. They are best used as part of a program of population control that includes reducing foliage around the home, removing sources of standing water, and other steps to protect the property and home from mosquito infestations. Contact Exclusive Pest Control to learn more about how MistAway can benefit your property as part of a mosquito control program.

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