
Why You Need Quarterly Pest Control

Whether it is engaging a professional pest exterminator, using natural alternatives, or maintaining proper hygiene in your home, preventive pest control is the most effective way of preventing pest infestation. It is easy for pests such as rats, mice, ants, spiders, wasps, sowbugs, millipedes, centipedes, and cockroaches to recur in your household after a treatment. This can easily be prevented through quarterly pest control.

What Is Quarterly Pest Control ?

As pests are active throughout the year, you need to protect your home against infestation all year round. Through a quarterly pest control service, a certified technician inspects and treats your property four times every year, including the initial treatment. The pest control service provider customizes the treatment plan to address any seasonal pests.

In a quarterly pest control plan, the initial treatment involves thorough treatment of your home both outdoors and indoors. Subsequent applications are perimeter or exterior treatments. This implies that you do not have to be present. As the treatments are pre-scheduled, you do not have to set up an appointment for treatment application.

Is Quarterly Pest Control Worth It?

Even the most hygienic homes encounter pest infestation every once in a while. Unfortunately, pest infestations, in most cases go unnoticed for quite some time. Property owners only become aware of them after their property has undergone significant damage, or they see evidence of pests. Usually, the infestation is so severe by this time that professional pest exterminators have a hard time eradicating the pests. This can also prove to be quite costly. Quarterly pest control is a preventive pest control strategy which aims at preventing invasions in the first place.

Benefits of Quarterly Pest Control

Some of the benefits of taking up a quarterly pest control program include:

It saves you money

With a one-time pest control service, you have to pay every time a technician comes to deal with a pest infestation problem in your property. Through a quarterly pest control plan, you are protected by a warranty. This implies that in case of a recurring pest infestation, the technician will treat your home at no additional cost.

It keeps your property free of pests and subsequent diseases

The technicians not only treat your home four times a year, but they also check for potential danger through the use of special tools and equipment. This ensures that any potential issue is tackled earlier on before it becomes a costly extermination project. Most pests are disease carriers. Preventive pest control helps prevent diseases such as malaria, West Nile Virus, lime disease, and rat-bite fever, and so on.

It affords you peace of mind

It’s common for people dealing with a pest infestation to feel frustrated or even scared. Opting for preventive pest control gives you peace of mind as you are sure your home is not teeming with annoying pests.

Pests can cause a lot of damage to your property, not to mention that they jeopardize your health. Therefore, investing in a quarterly pest control plan is a wise decision. Contact us today!

Charleston Can Rest Easy with Exclusive Pest Control

Charleston is famous for its historic walking tours, waterfront parks, and legendary food and beverages. But it’s called the low country for a reason. It was originally mostly swampland and is still only a few feet above sea level. And while the swamps have been pushed back and newly built homes and businesses are designed to deter rodents and insects as much as possible, you’ll probably still need professional pest control services if you’re living here long-term.

The most troublesome bugs in Charleston, SC, are the roaches, mosquitos and bed bugs.


“Affectionately” called palmetto bugs, roaches could carry salmonella and cause allergic reactions via their shedding and droppings. There are as many as 15 different types of roaches in South Carolina, although only a few are seen on a regular basis. They are often seen in older homes and may appear after significant rainfall.Bed Bugs

Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are as notoriously persistent as cockroaches and require just as exhaustive a treatment. Some people have no reaction to bedbug bites, but many people experience an allergic reaction that can include severe itching, blisters or hives.


Mosquitos are a serious problem from April to October. They can carry viruses such as dengue, chikungunya, and Zika. But more importantly to you, the significant swarming around wet lowlands may render the outdoors unbearable to children or the elderly in particular, not to mention everyone else who wants to visit.

Eliminate Pests with Regular Pest Control

Exclusive Pest Control is a new and innovative company owned by John McGee. With brand new, state of the art equipment and up-to-the-minute knowledge and approaches, they are the perfect choice of an exterminator in Charleston, SC.

Since childhood, John has been intrigued by bugs. In an effort to protect your family or establishment from pests and bugs, he stays current on all the new techniques and cutting-edge technology in the industry. He has been a Charleston local for over 10 years and knows firsthand the terrain and specific needs of homeowners and business owners. John is President of the Greater Charleston Pest Control Association, and a member of the International Bed Bug Resource Authority.

When researching any service, it’s always important to know who will be administering the service and whether or not it is guaranteed. With Exclusive Pest control, one of the best of Charleston’s pest control options, John personally takes on the challenge of keeping you pest free. He will come out to evaluate your problem and develop an Integrated Pest Management pest control plan that will accommodate your individual schedule.

Each time he visits your home or business, John will work with you to reevaluate your pest control needs. His business offers free initial consultations and will work with you to set up any necessary revolving care your property needs.

Not a Creature Was Stirring – Pest Control

Mice, rats, wasps, and roaches. Oh my!

These are a few of the many pests that haunt our dreams, invade our homes, and leave us feeling unsettled. The thought of bugs and rodents scurrying across our floorboards and mattresses is a terrifying thought.

Fortunately, there are a variety of measures you can take to keep these pests far, far away, but the best method is quarterly or monthly inspections by experienced exterminators.

If you’re worried about pests, then read on. We have the information you need to protect your home, family, and overall well-being.

Keeping Mice and Rats Out

Often times, when we hear a mouse or rat scurrying through our house, we want to pretend that it’s not really a problem. It’s just one rodent, right?


Rodents are colony animals, which means that wherever you find one, you are likely to find many.

So how do you keep the mice and rats out?

First, you have to block any block possible entryway into your house. Look around your floorboards, counters, windows, and doorways to see if there are any holes or cracks.

Once you’ve discovered these holes, there are a variety of materials you can use to keep those pesky rodents outside. For example, you can stuff the holes and cracks with caulk, wire mesh, or steel wool. Even crumpled paper towels or toilet paper is better than nothing.

But if the rodents have already invaded your home, you’ll have to take another route: extermination. You can exterminate the rodents on your own, but without experience this can be dangerous. It is best to call an expert exterminator and hire them to complete the job for you.

How to Get Rid of Wasps

Wasps are a little easier to get rid of, but they’re a lot more dangerous. After all, they can fly and have pointy stingers. And if you’ve ever been stung by a wasp, you know how much it hurts.

Fortunately, wasps make themselves known a lot more easily than rodents. After all, they build massive nests that are easy to spot.

Wasp Pest

Removing those nests, however, poses a whole other problem.

To do it yourself, you’ll need a whole lot of protective gear. In fact, you’ll need to make sure that your entire body is covered. If even the slightest bit of flesh is exposed, the wasps are bound to find it.

And then, there’s only pain…

So if you’re going to do this alone, make sure you have gloves, pants, socks, boots, a face mask with mesh that you can see through, a hat or hood, and a long sleeve shirt. Tuck your pants into your socks and your shirt into your gloves. And make sure that no flesh is exposed!

Then you’ll need to find your poison and douse the area around the nest. Make sure that in addition to a mesh-mask covering your whole face, you also have a surgical mask to place over your mouth and nose. You do not want to breathe in the poison, or you could become very sick or even die.

Lastly, once the poison has killed the nest, you’ll need to remove it from your home. This is where the protective clothing comes in. If even one wasp survives the poisoning, you can still be stung.

Of course, this all probably sounds very daunting and scary. So you might just want to go the easier route and call the experts.

Prevent Roaches from Entering Your House

Rodents and wasps are terrifying enough. But what about roaches?

For most of us, the very image of a cockroach fills us with the heebie-jeebies. And by the time they make themselves seen, they’re already crawling inside your walls, beneath your floors, and inside your furniture.

Exterminating roaches is difficult, so it’s often better to be proactive. Quarterly or monthly inspections by experienced exterminators can provide everything you need to keep those roaches out.

Personally, when it comes to any sort of pest, I trust the experts.

Keeping pests out of your house is essential to preventing an infestation. From rodents to wasps to roaches, there are many methods of prevention, but the best is having an exterminator stop by on a monthly or quarterly basis to do all the work for you.

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