
Why You Need Quarterly Pest Control

Whether it is engaging a professional pest exterminator, using natural alternatives, or maintaining proper hygiene in your home, preventive pest control is the most effective way of preventing pest infestation. It is easy for pests such as rats, mice, ants, spiders, wasps, sowbugs, millipedes, centipedes, and cockroaches to recur in your household after a treatment. This can easily be prevented through quarterly pest control.

What Is Quarterly Pest Control ?

As pests are active throughout the year, you need to protect your home against infestation all year round. Through a quarterly pest control service, a certified technician inspects and treats your property four times every year, including the initial treatment. The pest control service provider customizes the treatment plan to address any seasonal pests.

In a quarterly pest control plan, the initial treatment involves thorough treatment of your home both outdoors and indoors. Subsequent applications are perimeter or exterior treatments. This implies that you do not have to be present. As the treatments are pre-scheduled, you do not have to set up an appointment for treatment application.

Is Quarterly Pest Control Worth It?

Even the most hygienic homes encounter pest infestation every once in a while. Unfortunately, pest infestations, in most cases go unnoticed for quite some time. Property owners only become aware of them after their property has undergone significant damage, or they see evidence of pests. Usually, the infestation is so severe by this time that professional pest exterminators have a hard time eradicating the pests. This can also prove to be quite costly. Quarterly pest control is a preventive pest control strategy which aims at preventing invasions in the first place.

Benefits of Quarterly Pest Control

Some of the benefits of taking up a quarterly pest control program include:

It saves you money

With a one-time pest control service, you have to pay every time a technician comes to deal with a pest infestation problem in your property. Through a quarterly pest control plan, you are protected by a warranty. This implies that in case of a recurring pest infestation, the technician will treat your home at no additional cost.

It keeps your property free of pests and subsequent diseases

The technicians not only treat your home four times a year, but they also check for potential danger through the use of special tools and equipment. This ensures that any potential issue is tackled earlier on before it becomes a costly extermination project. Most pests are disease carriers. Preventive pest control helps prevent diseases such as malaria, West Nile Virus, lime disease, and rat-bite fever, and so on.

It affords you peace of mind

It’s common for people dealing with a pest infestation to feel frustrated or even scared. Opting for preventive pest control gives you peace of mind as you are sure your home is not teeming with annoying pests.

Pests can cause a lot of damage to your property, not to mention that they jeopardize your health. Therefore, investing in a quarterly pest control plan is a wise decision. Contact us today!

Take the Sting Out Of Summer With Proper Wasp Control

When wasps decide to settle on your property, it can be a hassle to eliminate them. Before you charge at them with a can of wasp repellent, gaining an understanding of what promotes wasps to nest is a great way to prevent them for summers to come. Follow this list of tips on how to practice proper wasp control to keep them away from you and your home.

Seal Up Entry Points

We may imagine nests as being built out in natural areas such as trees, and sometimes they are, but wasps generally seek out cool, dry places with low traffic to build their homes. Sometimes this translates to cracks in the foundation of homes, under awnings and eaves, inside of vents, sheds, and other detached structures. You can prevent wasps from invading these spaces by sealing off entry points wherever possible. Windows, doors, and vents, even when closed, may have some minor damage or installation flaw that allows a wasp just enough room to get inside and do their work. Take a look around your home and seek out any of these hidden entry points.

Don’t Feed Them

Wasps hunt for their food, meaning they will venture out in search of a source to feed on, usually protein or sugar. Once they’ve found one, they’ll keep coming back until it’s depleted, and sometimes even after. If they like what they find, they could make a nest nearby. Keep potential food sources locked up so wasps do not detect them. This is especially true during picnic and cookout season. Be sure to bring an easily sealed disposal and storage solution with you.

Consider Your Wardrobe

It sounds silly, but it’s true: what you wear could attract the attention of wasps. If this happens, odds are that you will be having an unpleasant summer day. Because wasps are often either seeking shelter or looking for food, they are on the lookout for bright colors, like those in flowers. Black or darkly colored clothing will serve you better if you want to go undetected. Similarly, colognes and perfumes could get wasps on your trail.

Reconsider Wasp Traps

Despite how they are often advertised, most wasp traps are only effective against specific types of wasps. Carefully read the packaging and instructions before getting your hopes up. However, unless you know the type of wasp you’re dealing with, traps could be a gamble anyway.

Get Protective Gear

We don’t recommend people taking on wasp pest control themselves because it can be a very painful experience, even if everything goes according to plan. But if you choose to do so, be smart: get clothes and gear that will cover you completely so that you don’t leave yourself exposed. If even one wasp finds a way to attack you, the rest will soon follow suit

Call the Pros

Whether you’re dealing with a full-fledged nest or just want an assessment on how to safeguard your property from any future invasions, reach out to Exclusive Pest Patrol. We know all the ins and outs to manage pest control safely and effectively!

April Showers Bring May Mosquitoes

After record levels of rain drenched the US in 2019, spring promises to bring an extremely high level of mosquitoes and other springtime insects. When water levels are high, it takes more time for levels to be absorbed into the ground or to evaporate. These conditions of stagnant water in backyards and elsewhere create more opportunities for mosquitoes to lay their eggs.

How to Protect Your Home from Mosquitoes

Basic precautions against mosquitoes will help protect your loved ones from annoying bites and potential diseases. To help prepare for a busy-and-buzzing spring season, keep in mind some of these important tips.

First, minimize breeding sites. Mosquitoes only need a tiny amount of stagnant water to deposit eggs. Be diligent about dumping standing water from garbage can tops, plastic chairs, umbrellas, toys and any place where water gathers. Keep gutters and other yard debris as clean as possible.

Make sure screens and doors are in good repair. This might not help prevent mosquitos from breeding, but will help minimize their presence in your home. Stay inside at dusk or wear long sleeves and pants. Use a quality mosquito repellent when outside in the evening, and use outdoor fans where you are sitting to blow them away. Finally, use a professional pesticide misting system.

For these tips to be most effective, you must be fastidious and stay on top of regular pest maintenance. If you don’t have the time ability to keep up your property, consider hiring a professional pest control company. People who live in difficult areas, such as next to a retention pond, should seriously consider quarterly maintenance.

Prepare Before the Swarm ArrivesHow to Prevent Mosquitos

Professionals say that the best defense against mosquitoes or any pesky insect is good offense. Many people believe that the temperature outside needs to be in the 70s or 80s for mosquitoes to breed, but when the ambient temperature is a steady 50 degrees or higher, they will begin to lay eggs. Other biting pests such as gnats and ‘no-see-ums’ also begin to breed at 50 degrees.

Therefore, the time to get your house and yard defenses in place should be as early in the spring as possible. In addition to the tips listed above, such as cleaning out gutters, etc., you may want to consider buying an electronically controlled tankless misting system. These systems have fine-spray misters about 15 feet apart and are programmed to turn on at dawn and at dusk. The insecticide kills mosquitoes, gnats, and ‘no-see-ums,’ but does not harm beneficial insects such as butterflies.

Whichever methods you choose to protect your property, be sure to get started early as the biting season is upon us!

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