
What’s the Difference Between Palmetto Bugs and Roaches?

We’ve all heard the lovely little name used for those winged monsters that look like a genetically altered cockroach: palmetto bug. But why do these erratically flying, menacing creatures get a softer, sweeter name than “cockroach”? The origin of the name is unclear; however, a prominent palmetto bug in South Carolina, the smokybrown, does enjoy spending time in palmetto trees.  Here are the differences between roaches and palmetto bugs.

What is a Palmetto Bug?

Ultimately, the term palmetto bug refers to a wide range of cockroaches, dozens of which reside in South Carolina, including the following most common cockroaches.

  • Waterbug or Oriental cockroach
  • German cockroach
  • Smokybrown cockroach
  • American cockroach

The difference between a palmetto bug vs. a cockroach really isn’t a difference at all, and the terms palmetto bug and cockroach are used interchangeably to a degree. Let’s look at how they find a place to live in the first place.

Why Do Roaches Love South Carolina?

Smokybrown and American cockroaches love the moist conditions of the Southeast, especially along the coast, and rumor has it that the palmetto bugs in Charleston are the biggest and most plentiful in the region. These bugs particularly love wet decaying material, such as in a compost bin, flower beds, or pine straw mulch. They love to hide under rocks, so you want to take care of them quickly before they ruin any of your gardening efforts. This may be why roaches and palmetto bugs so densely populate South Carolina

However, the ones that love these conditions won’t likely invade your home, unlike the German cockroach, which will invade your home and multiply exponentially. That doesn’t mean that the larger, more sweetly named cockroaches won’t invade your home if they’re in a pinch.

Can Palmetto Bugs Infest My Home?

It’s common for roaches to eat dried gum and love dog food. On a very cold day, palmetto bugs may enter your home seeking warmth. Additionally, they might find that they can stay there and raise a family. They can creep and crawl under anything. They can also fly in through an open window or door, as they like to chase light like most bugs.

Palmetto bugs are terrible flyers and you never know where they might land, and that can be terrifying. They don’t go from point A to point B. It’s more likely a poorly planned glide that can land them in all sorts of predicaments (like trying to entangle themselves from a long head of hair).

The palmetto bug vs roach dilemma isn’t really a dilemma, in a linguistic sense, and no matter the fuss they cause, palmetto bugs are a part of living in the South. That doesn’t mean that you have to cohabitate with them, however.

For all your professional roach exterminator needs, contact Exclusive Pest Control in Charleston. We are happy to work with you to keep roaches and palmetto bugs in South Carolina out of your home. We’ll ensure that your premises is as free from palmetto bugs as possible.

When is it Time to Call a Professional Exterminator?

Dealing with ridding your home of a pesky spider or cockroach in your home is normal. Handling a small infestation on occasion is simple with retail remedies such as sprays and traps. However, what if you begin to notice an increase in roach sightings or notice small rashes or itchiness during the night as you sleep? When is it time to consider the aid of a professional exterminator? Here are three signs that it may be time to consider getting the help of a professional to protect your home from pests.

The Elderly, Children or Pets are Present in Your Home

Many do-it-yourself remedies and retail treatments for pests such as roaches can pose a danger to family pets, children and the elderly. Small children that crawl on carpeting and floors and pets that are constantly curious about smells are more prone to being exposed to dangerous chemicals. Elderly members of your family with lower immune systems may experience respiratory issues when certain pest control remedies are used in the home or not applied properly. In this case, the use of a professional roach exterminator is highly recommended.

You Notice Pests Other Than Roaches, Ants or Spiders

If you begin to notice small tears in shelved food products or droppings on the floor, this may be a sign of a rodent infestation. The general rule thumb where there is one, there are many, as these creatures can propagate in your home. This often leads to an uncontrollable infestation and exposure to disease and germs they commonly carry.

You Suspect Bed Bugs 

Bed bugs are typically brought into a home undetected via a person’s clothing, luggage exposed to infested areas, or used items such as a sofa or comforter. Bed bugs commonly hide in tiny spaces such as the ribbing on a mattress or a headboard and crawl on floors, walls, and even ceilings. While these bugs are not known to carry disease, they are known to bite the skin of a human typically at night when a person is sleeping. The most common symptom of a bed bug bite is excessive itching and red marks on the skin reminiscent of flea bites. When this occurs, a professional bed bug exterminator is needed.

Why Choose Us? 

The professionals at Exclusive Pest Control are highly trained to assess your home and create a pest control maintenance plan that can be scheduled to suit your needs. Contact us today for an appointment!

Bed Bugs Go To College

The day finally came! Your family has waited patiently, yet excitedly for eighteen years. It is the day you move your precious child into their dorm. It was so exciting to decorate the dorm, meet the suite mates, get class schedules, go through Rush…only to have the thrill overshadowed by the fear of those pesky bed bugs! Can you avoid them? How do you avoid them? What do you do if you get them? No, you don’t drop out of school or set the dorm on fire. There are preventative measures you can take to keep them from sucking the fun out of your college experience!

We now know that bedbugs do not discriminate among race, gender, or socio-economic levels. The only requirement is a host. College dorms have become a great place for bedbugs to live and spread quickly. Students in dorms live in close proximity to each other, provide a lot of clutter, and have a transient population giving bedbugs the perfect breeding grounds! Recently universities have had some of the highest percentages of bedbug reports in the nation.

So, what do you do?

  • Assess your environment– Look for bedbugs or signs of bedbugs on the mattress
  • Keep it clean– Bedbugs love a cluttered, warm environment. This will allow them to remain incognito and continue to reproduce for weeks before you notice them
  • Hot water laundry– Bedbugs cannot survive heat. Wash and dry your laundry in hot temperatures
  • If it’s free, let it be! – While you may be the poor, starving college kid, Refrain from picking up used furniture off of the street, be wary of second hand stores, and yard sales too. They are a great place to pick up the unwanted creatures!
  • Come bearing gifts– Encase your mattress in a bedbug mattress encasement. Bring your suitemates one as well. You may be glad did!


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